The great depression was unprecedented in its length, the wholesale poverty, and tragedy it inflicted on society. During the great depression there were any migrant farm workers. During this time the work of three hundred men could now be done by five. There was less work and more machinery that could handle the wheat harvesting that taking place. Migrants farm workers earned little money along with food and basic accommodation. At the same time as the great depression, there was six years without rain which caused the ‘dust bowl’. Because of the dust bowl, the farmers in Oklahoma, New Mexico and Kansas had no choices but to sell or forfeit their farms to banks and migrate to fertile lands. Migrant farm workers lived from job to job just like the main characters in the novella, Of Mice And Men. The president Franklin Delano Roosevelt helped alleviate the effects of the great depression when he took over president Hoover. He created domestic reform programs, economic policies, agriculture policies and relief policies that helped end the great
The great depression was unprecedented in its length, the wholesale poverty, and tragedy it inflicted on society. During the great depression there were any migrant farm workers. During this time the work of three hundred men could now be done by five. There was less work and more machinery that could handle the wheat harvesting that taking place. Migrants farm workers earned little money along with food and basic accommodation. At the same time as the great depression, there was six years without rain which caused the ‘dust bowl’. Because of the dust bowl, the farmers in Oklahoma, New Mexico and Kansas had no choices but to sell or forfeit their farms to banks and migrate to fertile lands. Migrant farm workers lived from job to job just like the main characters in the novella, Of Mice And Men. The president Franklin Delano Roosevelt helped alleviate the effects of the great depression when he took over president Hoover. He created domestic reform programs, economic policies, agriculture policies and relief policies that helped end the great