Introduction Introduction As consumers increase their use of computers and its peripherals, large Volume of such products find their way into the waste stream. To address Energy efficient computing what is increasingly being perceived as a crisis, there is a growing global
How movement to implement more environmentally friendly computing. “When
When written in Chinese the word crisis is composed of two characters. One
Why represents danger and the other represents opportunity”, said President John F. Kennedy, who knew his share of crises.Similarly Green computing is an
Effective E-waste management opportunity to prevent or minimize the effect of the future e-crises by using
Models Power efficient and environmentally sustainable computing. As green computing worms its way into the corporate world, the “GO GREEN” issue
Initiative takings in Pune is being viewed seriously and is taken conspicuously on a large scale.
Resource Virtualization Energy efficient computing
Holistic environment Simple actions like turning off our computer when desired work is
Sustainability Issues completed, ditching our screen saver and turning down the brightness on our monitor can help cut back on CO2 emissions and thus saves money on our