The first stage of group development is the forming stage. Forming is when members get to know each other and find common ground, while the group leader provides structure, direction and ground rules. For example, in the movie, The Breakfast Club, the forming stage was the point at which students were forced into a group during detention, which provided structure and rules and allowed individuals to become familiar with one another. The second stage in group development is the storming phase, which usually involves arguments, power struggles, debates and general conflict of interest, often resulting in individuals perceiving such gathering as a waste of time. An example of this stage also seen in the The Breakfast Club is where differing opinions and ideas due to variations in social norms created conflict and arguments within the group. However, if a team leader is able to get past this stage by reminding
The first stage of group development is the forming stage. Forming is when members get to know each other and find common ground, while the group leader provides structure, direction and ground rules. For example, in the movie, The Breakfast Club, the forming stage was the point at which students were forced into a group during detention, which provided structure and rules and allowed individuals to become familiar with one another. The second stage in group development is the storming phase, which usually involves arguments, power struggles, debates and general conflict of interest, often resulting in individuals perceiving such gathering as a waste of time. An example of this stage also seen in the The Breakfast Club is where differing opinions and ideas due to variations in social norms created conflict and arguments within the group. However, if a team leader is able to get past this stage by reminding