Gabrielle Machado
The Enthusiasts
Arizona State University
What is a group? Adams and Galanes describe a group as three or more individuals, who have a common purpose, interact with each other, influence each other, and are interdependent (P. 11). I think their definition assembles the unwritten requirements of what groups’ ambitions and attitude should replicate. Unfortunately, I firmly believe our group lacks the commitment and drive in regards to earning a good grade and succeeding well in Small Group Communications 230. The lack of devotion in my group, The Enthusiasts, is causing our grade to derail and in order to fix this; necessary improvements shall be implemented.
After my group and I presented, I left the front of the classroom filled with embarrassment. I am a very independent person. Therefore, I have group hate, and am very pessimistic about working with people (P. 9). I have never had a good group experience in any college class. It seems to me, everyone leaves work untouched until they are verbally asked to complete it, someone else picks up the slack or everyone is left in a stressful, procrastination mode; which leaves them inadequately and frantically trying to finish before the due date. I thought our speech was going to be high quality, interesting and exciting. However, what we portrayed to the audience was in my eyes, pitiful. Adam and Galanes describe my feeling as having a problem, “the difference between what exists presently and what you expect or want” (P. 196).
The Enthusiasts didn’t even carry the basic public speaking techniques such as, eye contact, keeping the message concise and being prepared. Prior to our presentation, we had met in the library over a couple of times. I had written and structured the outline for everyone. I even wrote our introduction and conclusion word for word, which wasn’t even my part. When we ran through everyone’s part briefly, it seemed to be flowing fantastically. We all