Make a schedule of your daily routine. Add into your schedule one activity to improve each of the following: mental health, emotional health, physical health, and spiritual health. For example, "On my walk to school, I will try to think positive about my day." "I will spend a few moments in prayer or meditation before I go to sleep." "I will do some yoga while I watch tv at night." Decorate your schedule with markers, designs, and glitter so it looks attractive to you. Take it home and tape it someplace you will see it daily.
2. Lighthouse
Visualization: You are lost at sea on a stormy night. You see a glimmer of light leading you to land. If you row hard, you can make it. Someone waits for you with a warm meal, dry clothes, and a place to rest.
Draw, color, or paint an image of a lighthouse as a source of guidance in your life. Depict yourself somewhere in the image, either in a boat on the water, in the lighthouse, etc. Add words to represent your sources of guidance in life, i.e. faith, family, hope.
3. Friendship Mural
Big banner: "A true friend is someone who..."
Clients fill the mural with images and words that complete this sentence.
4. Lifeline
On a piece of paper, make two points on the opposite ends of the paper, one labeled "birth" and the other labeled "now." Draw a line between the two points. Identify at least three high points and three low points in your life and graph them according to your age (horizontally) and according to the feelings in the experience (vertically). Low points will be below your lifeline and high points will be above your lifeline. Connect the points with lines making a zig-zag line. Share the events with the group and the group responds with cheers, applause, and praise on the high points and boos and words of encouragement at the low points. If participant doesn't feel comfortable sharing details of their lives, they can simply say, "Age 6, high point."
5. Purpose in Life