Running head: GROUP PROPOSAL
Group Proposal: Interpersonal Relationship Empowerment and Stress Management Group
For Asian International Students at the Pennsylvania State University
Moran He
The Pennsylvania State University
Group Proposal
The following proposal outlines a counseling group program for Asian international students.
The program is formed to address issues regarding interpersonal relationship difficulties and life stress among Asian international students. The group is open but is limited to no more than eight group members. The group meet once a week for thirteen sessions and will be offered during the fall semester of the academic year. The areas of counseling focus of the group include consciousness-raising, assertiveness training, and stress management. The proposed group program fills the gap in services available to Asian international students. This proposal describes the rationale, group format, group process, and evaluation criteria.
Group Proposal
Group Proposal: Interpersonal Relationship Empowerment and Stress Management Group
For Asian International Students at the Pennsylvania State University
Purpose and Objectives
The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) ranked the 14th nationally among institutions with the largest number of international students (Institute of International Education (IIE),
2005). The presence of approximately 3,700 international students on PSU campus has enriched the cultural experiences of the campus community and improved the chances for developing global understanding.
At PSU, Asian enrollments accounted for sixty-nine percent of all
international students (University Office of International Programs, 2003). In this proposal, I describe a culturally responsive counseling group for these Asian international students with a focus on interpersonal relationship empowerment and stress management. Issues regarding its
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