Eating a meal in 2050 will not change that much, but the way we order the food will. The entire table will be one big touch screen where you can see an interactive menu. The table will greet you as you sit down and offers everyone a drink. After a moment or two it asks if you’re ready to place your order. A server will bring you the food and clean the table. Due to all of the food allergies that are surfacing, food will be prepped in a completely different way. Just like our Xerox printer works mixing primary colors to make purple a food prep machine will be used to prepare meals for consistency and expediency. In the home, working parents will be able to use such machines to prepare nutritious meals without wasting time in the kitchen on extremely busy days.
In 2025 the way homework is completed will have changed dramatically. Typing will be a thing of the past. Interfacing with the computer will be verbal. Your computer will work with you without giving you the answer to the questions. The OS will act more as a tutor and less as an inanimate object. Completing the task will be a symphony between you and your OS. Much like olden days where students had only a slate, students will have only a tablet. The difference is students of the future will have a world of knowledge and resources at their fingertip. We will no longer have Web 2.0 users but Web 3.0 where students will use the internet with AI.
Homework in 2125 will be an outdate concept. School will last ten hours a day and all subjects will be taught at the same time. Humanities is already in schools now combining English and social studies with the arts. Such ideas as how math works to make art more pleasing to the eye as well as how