Yes, the researcher made the right decision about collecting new data versus using existing data for the study. Because previous studies’ data are applicable only to their respective country. And as of now, there is no published study about using the internet to teach primigravida about their role.
2. Did the researcher make good data collection decisions with regard to structure, qualification, researcher obtrusiveness, and objectivity?
In structure, the researcher used the instruments Parenting Self-efficacy (PSE) instrument developed by Salonen et al. in 2008 and 2009 and “What Being the Parent of a New Baby is Like” by Pridham and Chang in 1989.
Regarding researcher obstrusiveness, the researchers will make an effort to put participants at ease, to stress the importance of candor and naturalistic behavior. This is done by teaching them to answer the pre-tests and post-tests without any help of their relatives and the subject should be in a conducive environment meaning it should be quiet. The subject may also access the module in a week so she can have more time to study and go over it.
In quantifiability, the researcher used the instruments Parenting Self-efficacy (PSE) instrument developed by Salonen et al. in 2008 and 2009, The cognitive subscale contains eleven items: nutritional recommendations, hygiene, clothing, day-rhythm/sleep, normal development, stimulation, safe environment, infant cues, ways to console, enough facts for decision-making, and where to get more help/support. The affective subscale consists of the other seven items: recognizing hunger, sensitivity to cry, sensitivity to states, sensitivity to other cues and behaviour, sensitivity to individual personality, sensitivity to response to stimulation, and sensitivity to sources of pleasure/cherishment. The behavioural skills contains nine items: to nourish, to conduct