“Except for things that go against my conscience, I will do whatever I can to obtain a life that is worth living, because this is the single purpose of my existence.” The seriousness of this guiding statement lets me always think very deeply before taking any action.
If I had a disagreement with my supervisor at work?
I would have to think carefully if the disagreement is big and worth committing anything that may mean to fight the power that be. If I really had to take action, I would suggest something like alternative solutions. I would say, with a smile, for example “Why don’t we try doing like this: …” but if my boss didn’t change his mind then I would promptly give up. They are the boss. My guiding statement wants me to continue to be employed while trying to find another job, better than the current one.
If my class paper or project received a failing grade from my professor.
Only after carefully checking my work would I go to my professor for the reasons of this failing grade. If there was no misunderstanding and I deserved this, then I would feel grateful to my professor for letting me know where I was wrong. But if I felt it was not fair and my professor was unwilling to accept it, I would give up as well. I am a student and Professors are my supervisors, just like the situation above. In this case my guiding statement shows me another benefit. It reassures that unfair treatment is everywhere, urges me to make double efforts in order to success; half would be used to outweigh people’s unjust actions.
If I was having a disagreement with someone for whom I care deeply.
When I care deeply for someone, following my conscience I would take responsible for their well-being. So, if there really was a disagreement, first I would consider their sell-being the highest priority. Then I would explain to them the reasons why I feel this way, which is better than other ways. I would try to maintain an attitude positive but firm and