Outline: Gun Control
Charese Payne
Philosophy of Ethics
Alexander Miller
November 26, 2011
Gun Control
Guns are a big problem because they are used to commit murders and suicides as well as other crimes. With criminals having access to guns, it just makes the good citizens feel the need to purchase a gun for protection or self defense. There may never be a solid solution to stopping the crime and violence completely but there are other solutions to limiting the amount of gun related deaths in this world. Whether it’s a mistake or intentionally, guns can do a lot of damage and that’s why stricter laws and other solutions need to be brought upon to prevent such senseless murders and crimes.
I. Identify the problem A. Gun violence has been a lifelong epidemic problem in which several failed attempts of gun control laws have taken place.
II. Clarify concepts
A. Brady Bill 1. Require criminal background checks of purchases from federally licensed dealers but do not require background check sales from unlicensed sellers. Convicted felons can walk into gun show and buy firearms from unlicensed sellers.
B. National Rifle Association- National Carry Act 1. Self defense measure that enables people the right to carry permit holders to carry concealed firearms while traveling outside their home states.
III. Identify possible solutions to the problem
A. Create laws that will impost adequate punishment for crimes committed
B. Establish laws that will prevent people under age 21 to buy ammunition and prevent them from buying ammunition for guns that are not registered to them
C. Repeated offenders should be required to wear a detector or sensor that will alert the police when they are in hands reach of a gun.
IV. Assumptions and point of view
A. Having tougher gun control laws
B. Keeping track and tides on released
References: Cook, P., Ludwig, J., & Samaha, A. (2009). Gun control after heller: Threats and sideshows from a social welfare perspective. UCLA Law Review, 56(5), 1041. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/214794012?accountid=8473 Cramer, C., Kopel, D., (1995). “Shall Issue: The new wave of concealed Handgun Permit Laws.” Tennessee Law Review, 62, (3) 679-757. http://www.claytoncramer.com Faria, M. (2001). “The tainted public- health model of gun control.” The Freeman Ideas Of Liberty, 51, (4). http://www.thefreemanonline.org Kleck, G. (2009). Mass shootings in schools: The worst possible case for gun control. The American Behavioral Scientist, 52(10), 1447. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/214778998?accountid=8473 Lewin, N., Vernick, J., Beilenson, P., & Mair, J. (2005). The baltimore youth ammunition initiative: A model application of local public health authority in preventing gun violence. American Journal of Public Health, 95(5), Ludwig, J., & Cook, P. (2001). The benefits of reducing gun violence: Evidence from contingent valuation survey data. Journal of Risk & Uncertainty, 22(3), Mercy, J., Krug, E., Dahlberg, L., & Zwi, A. (2003). Violence and health: The united states in a global perspective. American Journal of Public Health, 93(2), 256-61. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/215096891?accountid=8473