I am choosing the topic of gun control. I will be using the APA style format. I selected this topic because I am interested in learning more about gun control and where it stands today. I also want to see what information I can find about where it is headed in the future.
Trotter, Gayle S. (2013). Should Congress pass stronger gun laws? Congressional Digest, 25-31. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier Database.
The article is stating that Mental Health records are not being used in conducting a background check for gun purchases. This needs to be changed to protect law-abiding gun owners from deranged criminals that don’t even submit to background checks. It also states how semi-automatic rifles have no effect on lowering …show more content…
Even still, gun control laws would not have prevented this act. Politicians are trying to use events like this to ban guns. Studies have shown that gun control laws can in fact increase crime rate. There are several cities and countries that have banned handguns and firearms, and homicides along with violent crimes only increased. Once again it goes back to the mental illness issue. States have to submit medical records before this can help decrease mentally ill people from purchasing firearms. This is the only way to address the real …show more content…
(2013) The Gun Debate. Junior Scholastic, 6-8. Retrieved from ProQuest Educational Journals Database.
After the shooting in Newton, Connecticut, there are some new laws that the nation is facing. The president is springing into action and trying to do everything he can to prevent future events like this from occurring. The debate now is which weapons they are going to try to ban. Military style Assault rifles are the main focus right now. People in favor of gun laws Gun-rights groups are stating that this infringes on people’s rights to protect themselves from criminals with guns. The NRA is suggesting that gun laws are not the answer, but armed security guards in every school would be more effective.
This article is a good source for a research paper. It shows views from both sides of the gun control argument. It is up to date and the authors are credible. It has not been revised. The publisher is Scholastic Inc. which is a reputable source.
Goddard, Colin, Broun, Paul C. (2012) Is it too easy to get a gun? New York Times Upfront, 23. Retrieved from ProQuest Educational Journals