Gun control is a very sensitive and controversial topic that has become one of the biggest topics of debate in the United States. Many Americans are against gun control because they feel it is their right as an American to have possession of a firearm for protection. Others are strongly in favor of gun control and feel that there should be laws and regulations put in place that ban the possession and use of firearms. Both sides of the argument are very passionate about their beliefs on gun control and both sides have valid points supporting their stance. Those against it argue that banning firearms is a violation of their rights and by not allowing them to have and/or carry guns, they are being deprived the right to protect themselves with these weapons. On the other hand, those who are for gun control believe firmly in the idea that less guns equals less violence and less crime and would ultimately result in a safer and happier society. There should be gun control laws put in place by the United States government that prohibits the possession and use of any type of firearms, because that is the ethically correct thing to do. The fewer guns there are the better, less people would die as a result of gun violence, there would be reduced crime, and people would not have to worry about their kids being influenced by these weapons.
Laws and regulations that prohibit the possession and/or use of firearms would result in a much safer society and less innocent people having to die because of gun violence. If the American government enforced gun control laws in efforts of trying to reduce gun-related crimes like murder, it would concur with Philosopher Immanuel Kant’s belief that: "the morality of an act depends on the person 's intentions, not the end result of the act.” (Clark). In 2012, there were over 30, 000 gun-related deaths in the US, a number that is far, far too high (Clark). On December 14, 2012, a
Cited: 1. Clark, Andrew. Guns: A Rebuttal. N.p.: n.p., 2013. Print. 2. Harcourt, Bernard E. Language of the Gun: Youth, Crime, and Public Policy. N.p.: University Of Chicago, 2006. Print. 3. Goss, Kristin A. Disarmed: The Missing Movement for Gun Control in America. N.p.: Princeton UP, 2008. Print. 4. Jenco, John M. The Fallacy: Freedom and the Gun Debate in America. N.p.: Crowne, 2013. Print. 5. Tanner, Lindsey. "More Gun Laws = Fewer Deaths, 50-state Study Says." Yahoo! News. Yahoo!, 07 Mar. 2013. Web. 28 Mar. 2013. 6. The Washington Post. Guns in America. N.p.: Diversion, 2013. Print. 7. Bloomberg, Michael R. Reducing Gun Violence in America: Informing Policy with Evidence and Analysis. N.p.: Johns Hopkins UP, 2013. Print. 8. "Coalition for Gun Control - An Overview of Gun Control in the US, Canada and Globally." Coalition for Gun Control. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Mar. 2013.