Columbine High School, Littleton, Colorado, 1999; Trolley Square Mall, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2007; Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, Virginia, 2007; Westroads Mall, Omaha, Nebraska, 2007; New Life Church, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 2007; Pearl High School, Pearl, Mississippi, 1997. All of these, except Colorado Springs were in areas designated as gun-free zones, places where state, federal, and/or private property laws and regulations forbid people from carrying a firearm, except law enforcement or security personnel. The only difference between the first four incidents and the last two is the gunman was confronted by someone else with a gun before law enforcement could arrive. Do you feel more safe walking into a mall or school realizing the only people who may be carrying guns are criminals that do not care about the restrictions and aim to kill as many people as possible before either killing themselves or being killed? Instead of creating more zones without guns, laws should be enforced and/or modified to ensure the people carrying guns know how to use them and have met the mandatory requirements including training on how to handle a gun. American society has been lulled into believing gun-free zones make us safer, but they do not, because they restrict our ability to defend ourselves and provides criminals areas where they can destroy as many lives as possible before law enforcement arrives. History in the latter part of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century in America saw a marked increase in the number of mass shootings. This increase coincided with the passing of more gun control laws that continued to whittle away at our right to defend ourselves. Gun control proponents have a simplistic view of human behavior when they believe if they make enough rules and post signs banning guns, they will not see gun violence in public places. Unfortunately, reality does not agree with
References: Alfano, S. (Writer). (2007) Police: Off-duty cop saved lives in mall. CBS Evening News. Salt Lake City: CBS. Retrieved February 27, 2011 from Gallant, P Gottlieb, A. & Workman, D. (2006, October 12). 'Gun-free ' laws invite tragedy :[Main Edition]. The Atlanta Journal - Constitution,p. A.19. Retrieved March 4, 2011, from ProQuest National Newspapers Expanded. (Document ID: 1144151971). LaRosa, B.D. (2007, November). Gun control claims more victims. Freedom Daily, Retrieved February 27, 2011 from Laugesen, W. (1999, October 15). A principal and his gun. Boulder Weekly, Retrieved February 27, 2011 from Laugesen, W Lautenschlager, Z. (2008). Gun free zones: an invitation to mass murder. Retrieved March 1, 2011 from Snyder, J.R. (1993). A nation of cowards. The Public Interest, (113), Retrieved March 14, 2011 from Stephens, R.D Twenty potential weapons control law violations. (n.d.). Retrieved March 3, 2011 from