Lately it seems as though there is a stanch split in our county when it comes to the gun debate. One side views guns as the problem while the other views them as the solution. Many places including schools are designated gun free zones. Despite this designation we are all aware of the many campus shooting that have taken place within the last few years. I believe that college students, teacher and administrators should have the right to carry their legal firearms onto college campuses. It is my understanding that gun free zones create easy targets. Students, teachers and administrators have a better chance at saving their own lives and the lives of others when armed. I also believe that any campus …show more content…
Of those 160, 39 have been at places of education with 12 on college campuses. Other places include mostly gun free zones such as places of business, government and health facilities. Most recently Umpqua Community College was devastated by a shooter who opened fire on their campus. Despite the campus being a gun free zone ten lives were lost due to gun violence(3). We might ask ourselves why this tragedy took place. Why did our laws not prevent the shooter from hurting innocent people? It is my understanding that laws are only followed by those willing to follow them. Placing a “gun free zone” sign in front of a college only signals that the people on campus are unprotected. Someone who is determined to take as many lives as possible sees this as an easy target. With a low chance of resistance they would be able to accomplish their goal. We should ask ourselves how secure we would feel if we were told we had to leave our front doors wide open and place a “Do not steal” sigh in front of our homes. Since the tragedy Umpqua Community College has hired County deputy Scott Batsch to patrol the campus (4). Although it is unlikely a shooter would strike the campus again the presents of an armed person reassures the safety of those who work at and attend the college. In order to make a gun free zone safe you need those who are …show more content…
We as citizens of the United States have the right to own firearms. I do believe private businesses have the right to regulate rules for their own property. In the case of tax payer funded facilities however I believe our right to bear arms shall not be infringed. This would extend to all open public spaces, parks, public schools and colleges. As tax payers we pay for these facilities and they are there for owned by all the