
Persuasive Essay On Gun Shootings

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Persuasive Essay On Gun Shootings
Gun controversy
With all the shootings and bombings that has happened in the past year. There are a lot of people that thinks that guns would be best if they would be taken away. If the guns would be taken away that would be taking an American right that no one can take away other than yourself. I’m all for safety but I think everyone should keep their guns. “In America, there are approximately 270 million firearms possessed by civilians, and only 897,000 carried by police.”
Banding guns altogether is ineffective. This isn’t protecting the citizens, it just puts them in more trouble because they won’t be able to defend themselves. The majority of crimes involving firearms are committed with the use of a handgun; this is a serious problem in
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If a buyer wishes to purchase a gun from a federally licensed retailer, he or she is required to complete several processes that record the sale of the gun. First, proper identification must be presented to the dealer. After that, a lengthy form must be filled out; the purpose of this form is to verify that the purchaser is buying the gun for himself and not for someone else.
”Nearly three weeks after the latest mass shooting claimed the lives of nine people, 52% of Americans now oppose stricter gun control laws, 6 percentage points more than the 46% of Americans who support such laws.”(diamond,2015).In the past year, there has been many shootings. If the guns are taken away, some of these could have been solved but that’s only solving one problem. Taking them isn’t helping the helpless people that can’t defend themselves without them. In conclusion, I think that guns aren’t the problem in the world. It’s the people in general. Anyone that has a documented mental illness or anything in that category shouldn’t be able to get a gun. The age for buying a gun should be raised by a few years

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