one can help others one will. On average police respond to a crime in 11 minutes. If one has a gun there is a greater chance the criminal will not waste their time. “A 2013 research article in the Wall Street Journal reported that the average police response time to an emergency call is 11 minutes, with some responses taking much longer.” (Should Adults Have the Right to Carry a Concealed Handgun?).
Police response is not the fastest form of help in a dangerous situation. With the right to carry a handgun one could protect oneself and possibly others while the police came to the rescue. In the same article it also opens up a different point of view from a sheriff in Arizona who says “police do very little to prevent violent crime. We investigate crime after the fact.” This means that if the criminal is violent, police will not think twice and the situation will end up with the criminal shot. All this without clear knowledge on what the criminals crime
“The entire second amendment states: “a well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” (Should Adults Have the Right to Carry a Concealed Handgun?). The article explains how the second amendment will not be broken and the right for people to keep and bear guns will stand. Also mentioned further in the website “The federal Circuit Court of Appeals, in the … case Moore v. Madigan, ruled 2-1 that the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms “must be interpreted to include a right to have a concealed gun in public, to have it ready for use, and to have it for self-defense.” This shows how the right to a concealed gun in public for self-defense is, if read between the lines, shown in the amendment. Ultimately, the right for a citizen to carry a gun is and will remain under protection of the second amendment for now.
No doubt, there are citizens who strongly disagree with concealed weapons in public. “Public safety should be left to professionally qualified police officers, not private citizens with little or no expert training.” (Should Adults Have the Right to Carry a Concealed Handgun?). Understandably, this is a problem in some states, such as Georgia and Maryland, who do not require any expertise before given the right to carry a concealed gun. Police from Wisconsin state that as police officers, they are trained for certain number of hours and it will only make sense if one from the public must train as well. However, there are background checks done before anyone receives a gun.
Concealed guns should be able to have on campuses, specifically colleges/universities, around the United States. Students who go to school should be able to protect themselves in dangerous situations , including school shootings. Also, one cannot rely on the police force to be quick to help when one's in need. Additionally, the right to carry guns is under the protection of the second amendment, so no laws will be broken. Of course, there are citizens with oppposing suggestions on concealed guns, but before one receives one goes through a background check for any criminal history. In conclusion, concealed guns should be able to have on campuses as a means of self-defense for any dangerous situation one encounters.