In many bigger schools and cities, campus carry will be the first time many students and faculty will think that they are near a gun; however, in states like Texas people are around guns and legal gun owners most of the day. Many places that people visit on a daily or weekly basis allow some sort of legal carry; for example, banks, restaurants, stores, and any public property allow guns if the individual is properly licensed. When questions arise about exactly who can be licensed, opponents of campus carry must not fear. The process to legally obtain a firearm, and then a concealed carry permit is not an easy task. One must first pass a background check (which checks an individual's criminal and mental health history) to even purchase a firearm, then to be able to legally carry the gun one must take an extensive concealed carry class. Since 1998 when the mandatory federal background checks became law over four-hundred thousand applicants have been denied for criminal or mental reason. The individuals that finish all these steps go on to become some of the most law-abiding citizens; in fact, legal gun owners are five times less likely to commit a violent crime, and fourteen times less likely to commit a non-violent crime. One group that the general population all agree on to be allowed to carry are our police force. With the idea that one can trust a police officer with the ability to carry, one can only come to conclusion that a police officer’s opinion would be highly valued; thus, when seeing that a 2013 survey of over fifteen thousand police officers found that ninety-one percent support conceal carry for civilians; therefore, one must conclude then that police officers know how important an armed citizen is for the lowering of crime. States with shall-issue concealed carry have seen reduced crime, eight and a
In many bigger schools and cities, campus carry will be the first time many students and faculty will think that they are near a gun; however, in states like Texas people are around guns and legal gun owners most of the day. Many places that people visit on a daily or weekly basis allow some sort of legal carry; for example, banks, restaurants, stores, and any public property allow guns if the individual is properly licensed. When questions arise about exactly who can be licensed, opponents of campus carry must not fear. The process to legally obtain a firearm, and then a concealed carry permit is not an easy task. One must first pass a background check (which checks an individual's criminal and mental health history) to even purchase a firearm, then to be able to legally carry the gun one must take an extensive concealed carry class. Since 1998 when the mandatory federal background checks became law over four-hundred thousand applicants have been denied for criminal or mental reason. The individuals that finish all these steps go on to become some of the most law-abiding citizens; in fact, legal gun owners are five times less likely to commit a violent crime, and fourteen times less likely to commit a non-violent crime. One group that the general population all agree on to be allowed to carry are our police force. With the idea that one can trust a police officer with the ability to carry, one can only come to conclusion that a police officer’s opinion would be highly valued; thus, when seeing that a 2013 survey of over fifteen thousand police officers found that ninety-one percent support conceal carry for civilians; therefore, one must conclude then that police officers know how important an armed citizen is for the lowering of crime. States with shall-issue concealed carry have seen reduced crime, eight and a