Alot of college student do stupid things as a result of what others are doing. do you really think adding guns to that would be a good idea. Dickerson believes that even though students may be mature enough to have a gun, their brains are still developing during this time. Many studies of brain development show that college students seek riskier behavior and also do not consider their consequences very well (Dickerson). Increasing the chance of risk and poor decisions by adding guns would not help out the students or the college out very well. Burnett believes that college students should be able to have a gun on campus for the reason that they should have the right to defend themselves. Burnett argues that student are holding protest to try and get some protection for themselves through concealed carry. The idea of having classes or activities that show students how to have their gun safe and secure is also brought up in order to try and help with getting them protection (Burnett). On the other hand, the students do need to have more protection than just signs that won’t stop anyone from bringing a gun and inflicting violence anyway.
The argument that comes to the occasion is that the college campuses are not as safe as they are made out to be. Anyone could just sneak a gun in and do what they want with no one to stop them except the