Some argue that only reason why psychopaths unrelated to the schools they attack are attracted to schools is because they are a “soft target”, since nobody is allowed to be armed (Wheeler 628). However, this is untrue since recent attacks on schools usually have a connection with the attacker. Advocates of the legislation …show more content…
Both sides would agree that everyone has the second amendment to protect their right to bear arms; however, campuses aren’t the best place to allow guns because it could interfere with the students’ education. For example, in certain classes, a discussion is brought up and every student is given the opportunity to speak without being scared to share his or her opinion. Debate, which is critical, will no longer be part of the college experience since “the presence of hidden guns would restrain the open exchange of ideas…” (Students for Gun-Free Schools 634).When guns are allowed in colleges or universities, students will likely refuse to speak up in fear that one of their peers with a gun will get offended. It is clear that “many students would feel uncomfortable about not knowing whether their professors and/or fellow students were carrying handguns” (Students for Gun-Free Schools