Innocent people often fall victim to shootings. Whether they are young students or elders, shooters don’t care. States with stricter “gun laws tend to have fewer gun deaths” (Obama, 2).Guns are easy to access but if the government restricts them less people would be killed and injured. There are plenty of guns everywhere, one “for roughly every man, woman, and child in America” (Obama, 2). It’s scary to think that someone who wants to harm others is capable. Shootings often happen in schools, the children have so much to live for …show more content…
Great Britain and Australia have made laws that “almost eliminate mass shootings” (Obama, 2). That would be key in getting rid of gun abuse. However, some think that getting rid of all guns would be a violation to the constitution. The second amendment is the right to bare arms. Although it is not worth citizens being injured and killed. Some of the most famous shootings in the past twenty years happened in Columbine, Colorado; Newtown, Connecticut; and Aurora, Colorado. The total deaths in just those three shootings combined totals 52 people. There have been plenty more shootings throughout the country with higher death totals. All the U.S. shooting death totals combined would be more than 800. Getting rid of guns for citizen use would tremendously help limit