In America there are to many guns, for example as of 2015 on there were 300 million registered gun in the US(Almanac of Policy Issues) ,but says that more shocking 10% of americans own 85% of the 300 million guns(Guns and Crime).We haven't even talked about the unregistered guns. Guns may be able to stop crimes and help aid in self defence, but 67% of murders and 41% of robberies involve a gun in some manner. So how are firearms protecting us if there the very thing that kills us or robs us?A gun owner may say,”But I shoot guns to hunt and/or shoot for sport” that's fine as long as it stays for that reason and not as an excuse to own guns.They also my say ,”But that violates my american rights” actually no it doesn’t there is no trace of serial …show more content… tolled me about the Port Arthur mass shooting in which 35 people were killed, but thousands of lives are saved each year by their gun laws(It took one massacre). So why can't america do this? Well it's more of a problem with unregistered guns, the government has no way to count, track, or manage them.If we got rid of all guns except the unregistered guns then there will still be mass shootings and firearm assisted crimes but no guns to defend us.”but what about the police will they still have guns”, well yes of course the police will have guns,but with less guns they will have less need for their firearms and may use the stun technology