Cameron Peterson
February 28, 2015
Tynia Landry
"Would Tighter Gun Control Laws Save Lives?"
Every day the use of guns is acquired throughout the world. The big question on everyone 's mind is "Would Tighter Gun Control Laws Save Lives?" Both sides of the debate have valid arguments. Just look at the interesting statistics. In Washington, D.C., a city-wide gun ban was implemented in 1976. Immediately following the gun ban the murder rate increased, and for the next 15 years Washington was either first or second, nationally, in murder rate (Levy, 2008). According to the BBC News, handgun crime in the United Kingdom rose by 40% in the two years after it passed its draconian gun ban in 1997. The statistics show the bigger picture from each side of the argument. The pro argument is that gun control will save lives. The con of the argument is that gun controls will not save lives. The evaluation of ethical, moral, and legal issues is identified in relation to gun controls. The team identifies the more persuasive argument along with a reflection of team consensus. The weaker and stronger arguments are established to determine the awareness of gun control …show more content…
As mentioned earlier, Washington, D.C. and the United Kingdom adopted stringent gun control laws and it literally increased crime. If laws become too tough to handle, people will work their way around the laws. Owning or not owning a gun will not make people less susceptible to experiencing crime. In 2010, across four counties, 444 domestic homicides relating to guns were recorded. In only eight of these instances, the gun involved had been kept in the home. Furthermore, the instances when the gun in the home had been used, it is safe to say that it was used in self-defense. Most homicide victims are killed by weapons carried by the intruder (Lott, pg. 26,