The movie deals with the struggle of the Japanese managers and American autoworkers to “work together.” The culture clash in the movie is severe because there is a major difference between the American and the Japanese views on the principles and practices of management. The Japanese undergo into an strenuous management training program just to enter the business industry, their world revolve only on work and nothing else, they imply that ‘’Every man learns every job, then we are a team. No man is special." The Americans are different they like to do their work in whatever ways they want, they are humanistic and values quality times together with their friends and family a lot. Also this movie illustrates individualism and collectivism therefore conflict and struggle in both countries arises. The workers become agitated because of the strict business practices of Japanese and the Japanese are somehow disrespected because of the cool and individualistic approach of Americans either way both side see that they are correct and the other culture regarded as wrong. As the days and weeks progress, these difference begin causing significant friction between the two cultures and threatens the future of the plant, and the way these two groups of people work through these differences will determine whether or not this plant, and more importantly, this town, will survive. As a solution each country tries to build a bridge between their gaps and embrace their differences in order to achieve success. The joint effort requires measures of compromise and collaboration. In the end their differences was fully integrated to produce better outputs and exhibit best