Just imagine sitting in a movie theater around midnight and suddenly some mad man comes in and begins shooting. On July 20, 2012 that’s what happened at a Century Movie Theater in Aurora Colorado, which resulted in about twelve people that lost their lives and about 58 other’s injured, including a baby. (Wikipedia, n.d.)There are several arguments that always comes up in the defense of gun use, which are guns don’t kill people, people kill people, guns reduce crime and that they are used for sporting reasons, like hunting. Although there is truth to those statements, the fact is that guns are used to inflect pain, intimidate, and threaten people and should be made harder to obtain. Because the federal government is doing nothing about all of the crimes, murders, and suicides that take place every day all over the United States, it sends a message to our society that offensive gun use is acceptable, when in fact it is not. Human life is priceless and once it’s taken no one can bring it back. With that being said, anyone that has good common sense would be able to see that guns take lives more than they save lives. The federal government needs to acknowledge the fact that guns are used more to harm people and should ban the ownership of handguns statewide.
Over the past couple of years gun control has become a very controversial issue within society because of all the mass murders, robberies and killings that have taken place with firearms. The reason for this is because most people are in favor of keeping the current gun laws the same. What the people in favor of the current gun laws fail to realize is that regardless of what the gun is used for and how, its only function is to injure or kill. According to Violent Nation by Mike Sharpe (2011) “Over 30,000 men, women, and children are shot dead every year and 66,000 wounded. Eighty lives a day are terminated by gunfire.” (pg. 122) If you think about that, guns make up for over 50% of