(1, 2, 5) Other feeding habits after weaning can also have an affect on the microbiota. Long-term diets rich in animal protein and fat have been shown to have microbiota dominated by Bacteroidetes, in comparison to high-fibre diets, which are dominated by Prevotella. (2, 5) Although there is evidence suggesting that diet affects the microbiota, the causal methods are not yet fully understood. (5) Genetics is another contributing factor but it is also one that cannot be as easily modified as the
(1, 2, 5) Other feeding habits after weaning can also have an affect on the microbiota. Long-term diets rich in animal protein and fat have been shown to have microbiota dominated by Bacteroidetes, in comparison to high-fibre diets, which are dominated by Prevotella. (2, 5) Although there is evidence suggesting that diet affects the microbiota, the causal methods are not yet fully understood. (5) Genetics is another contributing factor but it is also one that cannot be as easily modified as the