Enrollment serves as a vital part in the life of every student upon entering schools or universities, either public of in private. It gives the students the impression on how the whole institute manages and manipulates the entire body.
Moreover, enrollment serves as the first experience of all students by which he/she takes part either individually or with company of a parent or some relatives. Good enrollment is always an asset in a university, pertaining to fast payment, assessment procedures, and easy transactions with a high rate of accuracy. Therefore, food enrollment within the university, if present, can be described as civilize, organize, accurate, and professional.
But, each year, a large number of students graduated and get enrolled to a certain universities and institutions. These students will follow the step by step procedure which includes enrollment. But having unorganized enrollment procedures and the large number of students going to enroll together with the new enrollees or freshmen will give the enrollment system a chaotic flow which will give the students a tedious experience. Lining up early, getting enrollment forms, encoding of subjects, paying fees, adjusting and verifying subjects would take days or even a week to finish the enrollment process.
Although a lot of different teams have tried to find a better solution to this enrollment, until now the problem is still unsolved.
The projects group believes that the above mentioned enrollment problem can be solved by changing that current enrollment system into a better one that uses early enrollment system. THE PROBLEM
The study seeks to evaluate the present enrolment procedure of the college of engineering of the Cebu Technological University – Main Campus with the objective to determine a more efficient enrolment system in order to minimize the time duration involve in