This exam will be a combination of multiple-choice, True/False questions and a few short essay responses. For best results in preparing for the upcoming exam, focus your studies on the following historical items, events and individuals. Your textbook may help with some of the things listed, but this exam is more so drawn from class lectures and power point presentations. 1. Pershing- Gen. John Pershing was ordered by Wilson to hunt down the Mexican villain bandit, Pancho Villa in 1916, Pancho evaded this hunt by hiding in a cave 2. John Scopes- In 1925, a Tennessee science teacher in the public schools who taught the theory of evolution to his classes which sparked a law suit / court case that became the …show more content…
talk of the nation. 3. Axis Powers- Germany, Italy, Japan 4. Hitler- wrote Mein Kampf (my struggle), gains power in 1933 and forms the “Third Reich”, great artist in his time, German Nazi Leader, leads the Holocaust, committed suiced in the bunkers or Berlin on April 30, 1945 5. Herbert Hoover- president 1929-1933, tried to bring an end to the depression but failed, shantytowns were eventually named after him “Hoovervilles”, Hoover was blamed by Americans for the crisis of the depression 1.
Dam 2.
Federal home loan bank act 3.
Reconstruction finance court 4.
Promote charity 5.
Halley smoot tariff- made depression world wide worse 6. Zimmerman Note- was a 1917 diplomatic proposal from the German Empire to Mexico to make war against the United States. The proposal was intercepted and decoded by British intelligence. Revelation of the contents outraged American public opinion and helped generate support for the United States declaration of war on Germany in April 7. Mussolini- Italian Ruler, who took part in fascism…Mussolini and his wife tried to escape Italy and was captured and hung upside down in the streets 8. 14 Points- was a statement by United States President Woodrow Wilson that the Great War was being fought for a moral cause and for postwar peace in Europe. 6. Reliance on open diplomacy rather than secret agreements 7. Freedom of the seas 8. Free trade 9. Reduce the military forces and/or weapons 10. Readjust the colonies fairly 11. The allowance for Russia to self-determine its own government 12. Respect for Belgium's …show more content…
Integrity 13. Restoration of French Territory 14. Italy receives territory based upon ethnicity 15. Austria-Hungary receives fair development opportunities 16.
Independence for the Balkan states 17. Self-determination for the peoples of the Ottoman Empire and free passage through the Dardanelles 18. Independence for Poland 19. The formation of a League of Nations to guarantee independence for all countries, large and small 9. Stalin- He was the dictator. You are allowed only ONE legit political party. One leader. He is atheist. Religion is the opium of the masses. Gov’t has COMPLETE control over you. Ownership of nothing in his system. Your car- not yours. It belongs to “the people.” In reality, the gov’t is the true owner, b/c of their good graces. THIS IS COMMUNIST RUSSIA.
Stalin LOVED himself. Funny thing- wasn’t a tall guy. 5’5”. Statues make him out to be bigger than superman. 10. James Johnson- tried, but failed to push an anti-Lynching law into effect 11. War Bonds- are debt securities issued by a government for the purpose of financing military operations during times of war. War bonds generate capital for the government and make civilians feel involved in their national militaries. This system is also useful as a means of controlling inflation in such an over stimulated economy by removing money from circulation until hopefully after the war is
concluded 12. Reparations- are the cost that the losing side has to pay because of war. In WW1, Germany had to pay reparations but was eventually forgiven and was able to forgo the rest of the debts 13. Pro-Imperialism- When someone is for imperialism- a country will takeover another country, make it a subject, and exploit it for its wealth (through military), and hold on to possession as long as you can. (Usually by war). 14. Anti-Imperialism- when someone is against imperialism, also people thought it was immoral. Some say unchristian, some for racist reasons (fear by going to countries and end up inter-mixing, cultures intertwined). Some people were pro imperialistic b/c of racist reasons, too! 15. Central Powers- also known as the Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey 16. Earnest Hemingway- wrote books that downplayed war. “War is not glorious!” 17. Langston Hughes 18. Lusitania- was the ship that Germany u boats sunk because of their unrestricted submarine warfare policy. It was a passenger ship but was carrying war supplies, which made it an acceptable target. This event caused the American populace to want to enter WW1 19. Progressivism- is a general political philosophy advocating or favoring gradual social, political, and economic reform. Modern Progressivism emerged as part of a more general response to the vast social changes brought by industrialization. 20. NAACP- “National Association for the Advancement of Colored People” is an African-American civil rights organization in the United States, formed in 1909. Its mission is “to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination”. 21. Volstead Act- enforced the public/legal end to making, selling or purchasing and consumption of "intoxicating alcoholic beverages” in the United States. Its ratification was certified on January 29, 1919. 22. New Deal Acts- Franklin Roosevelt implemented a series of legislation that was called the new deal. Social security and welfare are two examples of this legislation. 23. Huey Long- significant influence on Pres. Eventually became senator. Famous for promoting “share the wealth” program…communistic. Redistribute rich to poor…SOUNDS FAMILIAR! Drove FDR crazy! Closet communist? Hmmm. He got killed mysteriously in 1935. Was FDR behind it? 24. Central Powers- also known as the Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey 25. Tojo 26. Teddy Roosevelt's achievements and promotions as President 27. Major Motion Pictures and their significance 28. Duke Ellington 29. WEB DuBois 30. Causes of the Depression 31. Franz Ferdinand 32. Reasons for American neutrality during World Wars 33. Teddy Roosevelt 34. American Embargo on Japan 35. Women's Military Auxiliary 36. Causes of World War I 37. Franklin Roosevelt 38. Bootleggers 39. Native Americans during World War II 40. Results of the Holocaust 41. Dow Jones Industrial Average 42. Justifications for using the Atom Bomb 43. Woodrow Wilson 44. Flappers 45. Radio industry boom and impact 46. Minimum Wage Program 47. Oppenheimer 48. Harlem Renaissance 49. Unemployment rate height during the Depression 50. Domestic life and social changes during World War II 51. Calvin Coolidge 52. Winston Churchill 53. G.I.s 54. Panama Canal and Latin American relations 55. Charles Lindbergh 56. World War I Allies 57. San Juan Hill 58. Japanese Americans during World War II 59. Elizabeth C. Stanton 60. Harry Truman 61. Causes of World War II 62. 18th Amendment 63. World War II Allies 64. Orson Welles 65. German-Americans during World War II 66. Susan B. Anthony 67. 19th Amendment 68. William McKinley 69. Henry Lodge 70. Spanish American War 71. Sanford Dole 72. Al Capone 73. Doughboys 74. Billy Sunday