Seeing people holding up signs, outside stores asking for change. Have you seen the news recently talking about natural disasters, employment rate, and crime? We as a human species need to come together and fix what is wrong. This is wear my main topic comes in. It’s a successful organization that help fix these problems one-step at a time, and now it’s worldwide. Habitat For Humanity organization of salvation for many people in America, and in other countries too. Founder is Millard Fuller, co founder his wife Linda Fuller christen couple dedicated to helping others. Awarded with many medals one of them from the president Bill Clinton. This organization is located everywhere, they build homes for the poor and feed the hungry. From America to all around the world they travel to help the helpless, for example Japan with their tsunami predicament. They have goals they wish to accomplish that all are for the good of humanity, one goal being environmental stability a problem we face today that will become a big problem in the future. A non-profit organization needs money to continue their work; this is why they have events that hold tournaments, fundraisers, and volunteering. They have all the information on these events on their website, it gives all the information needed if you would like to participate. Habitat For Humanity needs our help to create a more beneficial future for us, and that’s getting congress, senators, and other higher ups to agree to acts that can provide a better future.
Research Topic
Habitat For Humanity an organization that’s purpose is to house the homeless, not only does this organization of salvation only do that but it also work as a fundraiser, environmentally friendly, and helps children receive schooling. A man named Millard Fuller founded this program; He founded Habitat for Humanity