Even though Athens and Han Chinas’ population is very different they both managed the population really well. “Athens’ population was a mere 315,000 and only 50,000 out of those 315,000 could vote or participate in government. Also 50,000 were free-male non-citizens that were either too young or their parents weren’t Athenian. Plus there were 100,000 free females and 115,000 slaves” (Document 2). Citizens were expected to respect the laws of Athens and Athens philosophers were no …show more content…
Athens created a democracy that worked because Athens was small enough that they could have everyone come to the meetings and participate in the government. Also in Document 4 Pericles states that Athens is a true democracy because no one can be kept out of government because of their poverty or social standing. Also that in private dispute no one person will be favored over the other in front of the law. Han China had a rule of emperors instead of democracy because their civilization was so big they couldn’t have a council of all the people meet every couple of weeks to debate on the course of action Han China will take. Instead in China the emperor appointed officials to a district who in turn appointed some of their men to rule over smaller parts of the district to keep order in that district for the emperor. For another person to become the emperor he has to have the Mandate of heaven, for the man to have the Mandate of heaven the emperor has to present him to heaven and heaven decides if he is worthy through the peoples’ support or lack of