Make certain you have the money to pay for the items that you charge. Resist wasteful habits. Little indulgences add up fast. Children also learn to manage money by doing it and being able to spend some money without parental input. Have a list of items you need when you go into a store and don’t buy on impulse Pay cash. Don't use a credit card. Follow this simple rule: If you don't have the money, don't buy it. Keep your money in the bank and don't carry too much with you or have too much in your apartment. You will be less tempted to spend it if it isn't so available. Instead, use public transportation whenever possible or walk or use a bike/car pool if possible. Exchange room and board for work. Some students exchange room or board for lawn care, child care, housecleaning, and so on. Since rent is an expensive item in your budget, an exchange arrangement can save you thousands of dollars over a
Make certain you have the money to pay for the items that you charge. Resist wasteful habits. Little indulgences add up fast. Children also learn to manage money by doing it and being able to spend some money without parental input. Have a list of items you need when you go into a store and don’t buy on impulse Pay cash. Don't use a credit card. Follow this simple rule: If you don't have the money, don't buy it. Keep your money in the bank and don't carry too much with you or have too much in your apartment. You will be less tempted to spend it if it isn't so available. Instead, use public transportation whenever possible or walk or use a bike/car pool if possible. Exchange room and board for work. Some students exchange room or board for lawn care, child care, housecleaning, and so on. Since rent is an expensive item in your budget, an exchange arrangement can save you thousands of dollars over a