Haniwa Warrior’s idea comes from ancient Japan’s ceramic art, which made to bury with the dead as funerary objects in 3rd to 6th centuries AD. Haniwa is can be found in human/warrior and horse form. When I research about Haniwa and I realize a warrior riding the horse pieces are broken and the human figure is not made in detailed like in standing figures of warriors, which made in the same era. I feel sad because in other ancient …show more content…
She is my favorite model because have known her since I was high school freshman and I love to compare my old drawings of her and my new drawings of her to see my progress in artistic skill. I created this charcoal drawing because she is beautiful, I feel relax, and confident when I draw her.
My educational goal is to graduate with an art degree and move to have a master degree, so I could teach the college level course of art in the future. Career goal is to pursue a career in studio art and teaching art. I also want to work at the art museum to learn more about history of arts. In the future if I had an opportunity I want to be a part of an artist-in-residence program to meet new artists and make connections in a new environment.
My value in developing is to have admire artists and work consists of working toward them, go look back to old art and learn from them, and try to include the message that make or move the people heart to positive way. While preserving the traditional arts I want to make innovative art so people can know about old arts and be inspire from old art