October 6, 2011
Professor Bright
Eng 095 LK G
Happy Place Rough Draft
Everyone has their own special place sometime in their life. It could be at an event, like a concert or a church service, or a place visited often. My happy place is at my Grandma’s house because my grandma is awesome, I can make my own decisions, and my cousins and other family live close by. My grandma is a huge part of the reason why her house is my happy place. She is the most giving person I know. I remember ever since I was a kid she would bake cookies for church every Sunday that smelled heavenly, and they tasted good too. She is also very supportive of everyone. Even when she is angry with someone she will give loving glances from across the room that put them at ease. She is a firm believer against the thought that respect comes by age. She gives everyone many responsibilities, and sometimes they can feel like a heavy weight on our shoulders. Her ultimate goal is to make everyone around her as successful and …show more content…
responsible as she is. She is the most amazing person I have in my life. When I am at my Grandma’s house I can make all of my decisions on my own.
It gives me unlimited freedom to do what I want to do. I have the freedom to express my creativity in any way I please. I can sit on the dock for hours writing poetry with the cool water splashing on my feet. I don’t have to worry about annoying phone calls asking me questions, because my Grandma trusts that if I have an issue I will call her. She doesn’t give me a curfew, so many nights my friends and I will go up in the woods and start a fire and hang out. The crackle sound and smoky smell of the fire is a great way to end a long day. I also feel like after all I am given it is my duty to give back to others. Another way I spent my free time is volunteering at the local food shelf. The heat coming off the warm meals reminds me that it doesn’t take much to make someone’s day. I feel like volunteering in any way is a smart decision. I value the freedom I have at my Grandma’s
house. The last reason my Grandma’s house is my happy place is because my cousins and other family live close by. Everyone in my family is fun to be around. When we all get together to play cards the laughter is gets really loud. One would swear the neighbors at the end of the road could hear it. Our family is very close. We could be yelling at each other and there would be no hard feelings. My cousins are my age, and that makes for some interesting time together. When our whole family stays at my Grandma’s for a holiday, my cousins and I sneak out after the adults go to bed. We meet the neighbor kids in the field and play games until two or three o clock in the morning. We try to be quiet, because my grandma likes to sleep with her window open. We all feel the sense of fear as we are trying to sneak back in, because we know if we wake one of the parents we’d be in for it. When our whole family is together we have a lot of fun.