Topic: Sexual Harassment at Workplace
Women have been treated with utmost respect in various Indian epics and mythologies. Women are regarded as symbol of love, even worshiped as goddess in India. But on the other hand. they are victim of torture and harassment. Though women participation in economic development of our country is much more than what the stat may reveal, their journey into the business world was not that easy. In India, typically, women have been portrayed as those undertaking business on predictable lines- papad, pickle manufacturing, women have made great progress by breaking the cultural barriers and taking up wide range of jobs, which were earlier restricted only for men. Though now they are on an equal footing with men at workplaces, sexual harassment at work places has been a major challenge which needs to be combated. Traditionally geared for the men the "workplace" is yet to adapt to the needs of women.
This paper mainly focused only on sexual harassment at workplace and not as a whole. This paper is a humble attempt to discuss about the knotty and major issues related to the topic. This paper will deal with the sexual harassment as a global problem and explains the two commonly types of sexual harassment and behavior of the harassers. The only recognized piece of law dealing with the sexual harassment at work place is the ruling of the Supreme Court, Visakha v State of Rajasthan on which this paper will focus. The case has laid down the guidelines for checking sexual harassment at work place.
With this reflection we opine that it was very important for the implementation of "the sexual harassment of women at workplace (presentation, prohibition and redressal)bill". Such legislation will go a long way in preventing, eradicating and combatting sexual harassment at work place.