Cars, a Blessing or a Curse? This is a question which has caused numerous amounts of arguments over the past few years. Most people’s instant reaction to hearing this question is to reply with something along the lines of “Oh I couldn’t live without my car!” which gives the impression that they are a blessing however, with the number of road accidents increasing with the availability of cars becoming easier, are we just giving people ammunition to a war in which we are already loosing?
Since the invention of cars, 1886 according to sources, for those who could afford cars, life in general has been a great deal easier. Back in the times when cars were invented, these could be the difference between life and death for you and your family. In more modern times, although it’s not as serious as life or death, having the option just to hop in your car, has made everything that huge bit easier. Statistics show that a huge 83% of us Britain’s have a car in our household. (This is broken down into 47% having two cars, 30% having a single car household and 6% having three or more cars in their home.) This shows just how involved and crucial cars are in our lives. …show more content…
By them replacing horse and buggy, this would still be the method of travel most of us would use without cars; it eliminates the risk of dieses spreading and the cleanliness of our city. Horses, as all mammals do, have to rid themselves of their manure. Now imagine all the cars in the world in fact being horses. As horrible as it is to imagine, now think about the amount of manure that would be produced around the city. Not only would it be disgusting to look at and the smell would be unbearable, manure carries lots of unwanted parasites and diseases. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to fight my way through mountains of manure everyday just to try and get to work/school