Harnesses are safer because most dogs tend to get excited and pull to meet other dogs. Maybe they …show more content…
jump on people that they really want to meet. I, myself happen to own a dog. A golden retriever. Some dogs like goldens and labs like to jump on people because they can sense when people have a good feel with dogs experts say. Research says that people have got badly injured when big dogs like great danes jump on them.
You see, if you don’t want a harness and use a collar for your dog, don’t deny it, there is a chance that the collar might slip off.then your dog might run away as fast as it can and you probably won’t find him ever again.
It’s sad, I know. I did some research, and found that an estimated 10 million people lose their dogs and cats per year.
Harnesses provide a lot of control over your dog so that no accidents occur. When I just got my dog, she was about a month old. We got her a decent puppy-sized collar and we took her for walks regularly. More than quarter of the time, her legs get entangled with the loose straps of the collar. With most if not all of the harnesses, there are no loose straps on them.
Some people like me are too lazy to put on a harness on a dog. Especially when a dog is excited to go for a walk starts jumping around and it is really hard to get the dog to come to you so you can put on its harness. All the past three harnesses I got for my dog wore out, so we just went back to using a collar. Which now, I’ve been regretting. I really suggest that you ask people what they thought when they bought the collar. If you shop online, scroll down to the reviews and comments section and see what other people
To conclude my report, this is why harnesses are better than collars. I am really glad to make you aware. Please share this article with friends and family, near and far.