
harrison b vs school uniforms

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harrison b vs school uniforms
A world with complete equality is a world with no individuality. The short story “Harrison Bergeron,”by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. is about a boy who was thought of as a threat to the government in a society based on equality. The article “School Uniforms: Awesome-or Awful?” by Lauren Tarshis, is about how more schools are currently making their students wear uniforms. Both “Harrison Bergeron” and “School Uniforms:Awesome-or Awful?” show that too much equality can end badly.

These two articles are both similar and different in many ways. In “Harrison Bergeron”, they mainly displayed the cons of being treated equally. “They weren't really very good-no better than anybody else would have been, anyway” (Vonnegut 3). Watching the ballerinas was not an exciting event, because all their displaces were equally good, so, there wasn’t a favorite it was all just the same. Yet, in the school uniforms article it mainly showed the pros in being the same. “Many principals in high-crime areas say uniforms can transform a school by making students and teachers safer. Troublemakers can’t hide dangerous objects under baggy clothes” (Tarshis 1). All though they display both pros and cons, both works are focused on the same topic, equality.

The issue of equality is a very important thing. One reason being most people only look at equality as a positive thing, and they do not focus on the negatives. Equality is a powerful thing. If everything is equal most people will not feel left out or less than anyone else. But, if everything and everyone is equal there is nothing to strive for. Nobody would fight to improve, to do or be the best because everyone is equally smart and successful.
In “Harrison Bergeron” the government makes a world where everyone is equal to each other. This story shows that too much equality can cause a great deal of conflict. By putting numerous types of handicaps on Harrison, he got so tired of being equal to everyone around him he lashed out on the

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