There are two main types of hazardous substances that will be found in a supported living environment. These are cleaning products/toiletries and medication.
When handling medication this should always be done using a non touch process; this ensures that the medication is not being contaminated with anything and also that the person dispensing the medication is not absorbing any of the dose themselves through the pores on their fingers. When dispensing medication you must check that either the blister pack or medication sleeve has not been tampered with and is airtight; if not it may affect the effectiveness of the medication. You must also ensure that medication is in date and being dispensed to the correct person, at the correct time and of the correct dosage. Medication must always be locked away after dispensed and administered immediately to prevent it being exposed to the elements for too long. Staff must ensure that they follow a person’s individual medication support plan for how they like to be supported.
Safe practice for the storing of hazardous items are as follows:
Cleaning products: To be locked away in a COSHH cupboard that is away from a heat source and in a well ventilated area.
Toiletries: To be kept in servicer users bedrooms or bathroom unless there is an identified risk factor that may require it to be locked away or stored in a supervised area.
Medication: To be stored in a persons individual locked cupboard that is not in a bathroom or a laundry. Medication is not to be stored directly on the floor and the environment must be well ventilated and away form direct sunlight if possible.
Any cleaning products or toiletries are to be disposed of in line with the manufacturers recommendations that can be found on the product label. Medication is to returned to the pharmacy for them to dispose of it safely and it must be logged on the appropriate paperwork to trail its return to the pharmacy.
There are many risks associated with not disposing of hazardous products correctly these are that they may get into the possession of someone who should not have them i.e children who will not know what they are and therefore would be at higher risk. Also they may contaminate the environment is disposed off in a manner that is not recommended by the manufacturer.
Not following safe practices puts people at risk from either a potential medication error or exposure to medication that is not prescribed for them. Safe practices are in place for a reason and must be adhered to very strictly in the health and social care sector.