Thesis Statement: Burning waste at the sanitary landfill in Philipsburg causes pests, parasites and bad odor around the residential areas.
I).What is sanitary landfill
II).The sanitary landfill a). Problems b). cause pollutions
III). Burning waste b). can cause serious health problems
IV. The waste from the St. Maarten Medical Center a). Cancer patients b). Higher sickness
V). Heavy machinery is used a). Dirt and compressed b). Residential Areas
VI). Diseases cause by sanitary landfill a). Types of diseases
VI). Solutions to the problem a). Educate the community b). Incinerator c). Waste reduction and sewage treatment programs
VII). Conclusion
Daniel Thomas
Mrs. Brown
English 123
October 18, 2012
Mini research
The Problem and Solutions to the Sanitary Landfill on St. Maarten Sanitary landfills are the isolation of the land filled wastes from the environment until the waste are rendered innocuous through the biological, chemical, physical processes of nature ( A sanitary landfill purpose is to bury the trash in such a way that it will kept dry and will not be in contact with air. Under these conditions trash will not decompose much; a landfill is not like a compost pile, where the purpose is to bury trash so that it can decompose quickly.
For years the landfill at Pond Island has been the official dumping place for nearly all the waste streams produced in St. Maarten. Burning waste at the sanitary landfill causes pest, parasites and bad odor around the residential areas. The sanitary landfill located in Philipsburg, better known as “The Dump” is poorly maintained and has posed problems in the area. According to an article in the Daily Herald, “it comes by truckload every hour of the day and end up right in the middle of our commune”. The sanitary landfill contributes to problems such as air
Cited: Anonymous. Personal Interview.November 15, 2012. Hendrik-Jan G. van Leperen. Personal Interview. November, 2012. Tel@dvance N.V. "Shaping our future through our youth." Volume 1. St.Maarten Youth Leadership, 1997. Print. "sxmislandtime". St. Maarten is concern about consequences of fires at the landfill.2010. web. 28 Nov. 2012. "". n.d. web. 28 Nov. 2012. "icrc,org", n.d. web. 29 Nov. 2012 "" n.d "".n.d. web. 1 Dec. 2012. "". n.d. web. Dec 4. 2012.