Metropolis Health Care System
HCA 311
Professor Nazaire
August 22, 2011
Metropolis Health System 1. Refer to the Metropolis Health System (MHS) case study appearing in Chapter 25. Read about the various types of services offered by MHS.
There are a myriad of different programs offered by Metropolis Health Care System. Of these the “Rehabilitation and Wellness Center” which allows for many outpatient physical therapy programs as well as return-to-work services to get those back and able to function normally in at the work place. In addition, there are cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation services which are aimed at getting people back to a normal healthy way of living in general. There are also “Home Health Services” which help the patient that needs specialized care be able to live at home instead of in a long term care center which many patients fid to be more comfortable. Same-Day Surgery (SDS) is also a welcome component as they allow the patient to have a surgery and be able to go home the same day. This not only aids the patient as far as convenience and the ability to be comfortable, but also is cuts the costs of many extended stay surgeries. Community Health and Wellness programs are also a part of the Metropolis Health Care System and are used to provide educational support on many different health concerns. Whether one is looking for information on diabetes, cancer, or even women’s health issues Metropolis community health outreach programs go above and beyond in helping individuals find information on whatever their needs may be. Metropolis Health Care System also has a wonderful Occupational Health Services department which helps in creating awareness of injury avoidance in the workplace and also helps those needing rehab to find injury specific rehab services. Finally, Metropolis offers many recovery types of service that are aimed at meeting the needs of those who have substance abuse and mental health issues as well as having