Chapter 1 1) Sex Education or Abstinence only? a) More accurate and complete information better prepared to make responsible choices about behavior b) Teens missed important information due to abstinence-only education- resist engaging in sexual activity, wait until marriage, for sexual activity, intimacy, no need for education about contraception/how to prevent STI/ STD c) 2000-2008 conservative political climate supported this education and studies showed that inaccurate information and no decrease in teen sexual activity, unintended pregnancy, or the incidence of STI d) STI rates and unwanted pregnancies increased in schools. Teens failed to receive learning they needed in order to make responsible choices e) In recent evaluation of teen pregnancy researchers determined that the rate of pregnancy has been underestimated, looks at account of all tens, rather those who were at risk of pregnancy (actually sexually active) increased 40% 15 to 17 and 18 to 19. 300% and 50% higher f) Progressive climate in Washington DC in 2000’s created changes in sex education. g) Interpretation of the language of abstinence only law has been eased, allowed more balance and accurate information to be taught. h) Schools teach more comprehensive teaching about sexuality that stresses accurate information make responsible personal decisions 2) People know a lot about sex- Much of it is wrong! i) What are your sources?- informal-friends, family, personal, experience Subject to error, miss information, falsehoods j) Early experience can be poor teacher awkward, embarrassing, painful expectations about sexual behavior incorrect k) Goal: Unlearn false ideasdifficult because many misconceptions reinforced through informal education. l) Decisions about behavior stem from faulty information 3) Sexuality & Culture: Sex education in China
Chapter 1 1) Sex Education or Abstinence only? a) More accurate and complete information better prepared to make responsible choices about behavior b) Teens missed important information due to abstinence-only education- resist engaging in sexual activity, wait until marriage, for sexual activity, intimacy, no need for education about contraception/how to prevent STI/ STD c) 2000-2008 conservative political climate supported this education and studies showed that inaccurate information and no decrease in teen sexual activity, unintended pregnancy, or the incidence of STI d) STI rates and unwanted pregnancies increased in schools. Teens failed to receive learning they needed in order to make responsible choices e) In recent evaluation of teen pregnancy researchers determined that the rate of pregnancy has been underestimated, looks at account of all tens, rather those who were at risk of pregnancy (actually sexually active) increased 40% 15 to 17 and 18 to 19. 300% and 50% higher f) Progressive climate in Washington DC in 2000’s created changes in sex education. g) Interpretation of the language of abstinence only law has been eased, allowed more balance and accurate information to be taught. h) Schools teach more comprehensive teaching about sexuality that stresses accurate information make responsible personal decisions 2) People know a lot about sex- Much of it is wrong! i) What are your sources?- informal-friends, family, personal, experience Subject to error, miss information, falsehoods j) Early experience can be poor teacher awkward, embarrassing, painful expectations about sexual behavior incorrect k) Goal: Unlearn false ideasdifficult because many misconceptions reinforced through informal education. l) Decisions about behavior stem from faulty information 3) Sexuality & Culture: Sex education in China