For this assignment, I conducted much research on the Head Start Program. I visited the West End Gardens Head Start facility. There, I conducted an interview of three employees, where I sought to gain a better understanding of the overall nature of the Head Start program. This Head Start facility is located at 534 West 4th street in Plainfield, New Jersey. The neighborhood is very urban, where as, there were many people out and about walking on the streets. Its atmosphere is metropolitan and built up with many stores, offices, and municipal buildings. I found it surprising that children's school would be on such a busy street. All of the traffic made me a little weary about how safe the environment was. I chose this particular location because of its close proximity to my home.
The classroom that I had the opportunity of seeing had a kitchen and a diaper changing/potty room. There were many different play stations such as a dress up area, a puppet area, a reading area, and a sandbox area. Each play station was small and designated by shelving. The setup promotes corporative play and increases verbal interactions. The setup seems to work well and is organized.
I have found through researching the Head Start programs, many are alike throughout the country. Schedules are set up similarly, starting around seven-thirty in the morning and ending no later then eight o'clock at night. This is a great advantage for parents to drop their children off at a school that provides a safe environment and good education. Introduction & Description of Clients and Their Needs Head Start is a child development program, which provides aid and assistance to financially less fortunate families. It serves children from birth to age 5, pregnant women, and their families. Head Start is child centered and focuses much attention on preparing young children from low-income families for school. Head Start helps parents improve their basic literacy, numeric