Even though Head Start provides services for families, it targets people of low income. In 1964, The War On Poverty was announced and for this reason, a panel of experts developed a child development program. It was intended to help meet the needs of children from birth to age 5. Children who were disadvantaged were helped along with their communities. Dr. Edward Zigler, director of the Child Study Center …show more content…
There are behavioral readiness needs of the children growing up in poverty with a role in promoting motivation engagement and learning. It raises questions like how would children who live in poverty benefit from educational programs with grants if they did not have increased support? Homelessness is an additional risk factor for early school success over the above effects placing children behind their low income peers. HEARTH ACT (homes emergency assistance and rapid transition to housing act 2009) chronic homelessness refers to an individual or family that resides in a place not meant for human habitation a safe haven or in an emergency shelter, has been homeless for at least 1 year, has a disorder, serious mental illness or developmental disability (section 401). A typical homeless family is composed of a single mother and two minor