|Centre Number |Centre Name |
|Candidate Registration No |Candidate Name |
|Please use the headings shown below when writing up your assignment |Assessment Criteria |
| |Two pieces of legislation relating to health, |
|Review of health and safety roles and responsibilities |safety and welfare at work are identified |
| |Two duties statute law imposes on both the |
|Carry out a review of your role and responsibilities in relation |manager and the team is are explained |
|To health, safety, welfare and environment protection at work. You should: |The manager’s responsibilities contained |
| |within the organisation’s Health and Safety |
|Identify two pieces of legislation relating to health, safety and welfare relevant|Policy are outlined |
|to your workplace |The meaning of “a competent person” is |
|Explain two duties the law imposes on you, as a manager, and on your team in |explained |
|relation to Health and Safety |Two ways to provide Health and Safety |
|Outline your responsibility as a manager contained in your organisation’s Health |information, instruction and training to the |
|and Safety Policy or Environmental Protection Policy