2. The ways in which health and safety requirements impact on customers and the work of practitioners, staff, visitors and clients in the health and social care workplace (Learning Outcome 2)
3. The monitoring and review of health and safety policies in the health and social care workplace (Learning Outcome 3) TASK ONE– Health & Safety Policy Manual, Risk Assessment and Organogram
a) Produce an H&S Policy Manual which demonstrates your knowledge and understanding of how health and safety legislation is implemented in a health and social care workplace. Your Policy Manual should show an outline of the health and safety systems, policies and procedures which are communicated in a health and social care workplace. A template is provided for you to complete.
b) Conduct a Risk Assessment on an organisation of your choice in a health and social care setting, outlining the key health and safety hazards you would encounter and how you deal with them to secure the workplace. A template is provided for you to complete.
c) Provide an organogram of the Health and Safety positions in an organisation and explain the responsibilities associated with these roles. Use your organogram to identify the prominent roles for your chosen organisation. (Diagrams and flowcharts can be used here).
Note: Task ONE partially covers Assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 for LO1
TASK TWO- Conduct a Risk Assessment and prepare a CARE PLAN for a service user of your choice.
This task requires you to carry out a risk assessment for a service user in a work environment, including the full risk assessment as part of your submission.
Your risk assessment should form the basis for developing a Care Plan for the service user and you will be required to evaluate the