This policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions and equipment for all our employees, and a safe environment for all children to learn and develop in.
We wish to develop and promote a strong health and safety provision within the nursery for the benefit of all staff, children, parents and visitors.
The policy will be kept up to date, particularly as the business changes in nature and size, and will be revised annually, or as and when necessary.
Aims and objectives
The aim of this policy statement is to ensure that all reasonably practical steps are taken to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all persons using the premises. To achieve this we agree to comply with the following objectives: • Establish and maintain a safe and healthy environment throughout the nursery. • Establish and maintain safe working procedures amongst staff and children • Ensure information, instruction and supervision is provided for all employees where necessary. • Ensure the safe handling and use of substances. • Ensure all employees are competent to do their role and to provide adequate training where needed. • Maintain a healthy and safe place of work and safe entry and exit from it. • An effective policy and procedure is in place covering fire and other emergencies and for evacuating the nursery premises. The evacuation procedure is practiced on a regular basis. • Follow the regulations of the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and any other relevant legislation. • Maintain a safe working environment for pregnant workers with appropriate risk assessments undertaken where necessary.
We believe the nursery as a whole is a low risk but to maintain the maximum protection for children, staff, parents/carers and visitors we comply with the following:
• Ensure the entrances and exits from the building, including fire exits remain clear at all times. • Regularly checks