The Psychological Perspectives
A perspective is basically a view that includes specific assumptions about human behaviour. Contemporary psychology covers six perspectives including Behaviourism, Social learning, cognitive, psychodynamic, humanistic and biological. There can be several different theories within an approach however they all share common assumptions.
Behaviourism is a leaning theory that has scientific evidence to support it. Behaviour is observable which is why scientific methods are used as they are carefully controlled. Behaviourists use animals within their studies because they are more convenient to study rather than humans, they also assume that animals learn in the same way as humans. Behaviourists believe …show more content…
Cognitive is range of intellectual skills you can do within your mind such as memory which is what we remember, learn, store then recall, for example your age, we learn it and store it in our memory then when someone asks ‘how old are you?’ you will respond with the recall. When being educated you remember 80% more if you recall by explaining things to other people rather than just learning from someone. Language is the way we speak, read and write. Decide is how we make choices for example what to do in the future. Imagine is the way we picture things without actually seeing it for example we could imagine a dog driving a car which is impossible. Attention is the way we concentrate and focus for example in a lesson. Learning is a way we ingest information for example a boss could tell you to go for your break now and you would now have ingested this information on when to go for your break. Thinking is how we problem solve, process ideas and thoughts and lastly perception is the way we see