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June 10, 2012
Theresa Brock
Health Care Innovation
We live in a world where everything is changing and improving rapidly. Health care is one thing that has changed for the better. New improvements to health care are being made every day among technology, medicine, and even health insurance.
The average life expectancy has increased significantly over the last 100 years. One hundred years ago the overall average life expectancy in the United States was approximately 50 years old (Wikipedia, n.d.). Now, the overall average life expectancy is approximately 78 years old. One of the biggest reasons for this is health care innovation. Not only has the progress of technology and medicine raised this number, but insurance has a lot to do with this also. With the many different types of insurances that are offered today, people can get the care that they need.
Years ago there was no health insurance. People would visit a doctor and pay just a couple of dollars, or pay with food. Many people would not even go see a doctor simply because they could not afford to pay. Now, healthcare is one of our biggest debates. Essentially there are two types of healthcare insurance, Fee-for-Service and Managed Care. Both cover medical, surgical, and hospital expenses. Most cover prescription drugs and some offer dental coverage. With today 's economy, many American 's depend on Medicaid or Medicare for their healthcare needs (Progress in Insurance, n.d.). The Obama Administration has set up healthcare exchanges under a new 2010 law. State-run exchanges will be launched in 2014, which opens a marketplace for private insurers to compete to offer health plans to the uninsured and to small businesses. If a state has not established a framework for the exchanges by 2013, the federal government will step in and run it (The Wall Street Journal, 11-29-11). This has become one of the biggest debates, other than the
References: The Wall Street Journal, June 6, 2012.