Primary prevention focuses on reducing exposure to identifiable risk factors. Recommendation on moderate use of alcohol and tobacco products serves to prevent cancers, respiratory disorders, cirrhosis, and liver dysfunction. Secondary prevention emphasizes identification of patients, who have the risk factors, at the earliest states, i.e. prehypertension and prediabetes. Tertiary prevention maily directs its attention to the treatment of the disease to either cure the patient or maintain the symptoms and complications to the minimum. There are screening for hypertension and diabetes; self examination can conveniently be done for breast cancers; tobacoo cessation initiatives aim to limit the risk of lung cancers; and use of condoms as an inexpensive method to prevent HIV/AIDS. Pharmacists can help assess characteristics of populations at risk. They can actually perform some of theses activities at the pharmacy. Patient education can be a key influence to patients’ decision on taking advantages of these activities. They can collaborate with other healthcare professional to develop plans and to market the activities to the community or to the population they serve. Similar barriers exist for in health prevention and disease prevention. Sometimes the pharmacy is not equipped or the pharmacist is not trained to perform these functions.
3. Immunizations can be offered and performed immediately at the site. During consults, stressing the importance of weight management,