Aim and Introduction.
Health and safety in ECCE setting.
Health and Safety Policies and Procedures in ECCE Setting.
Well-being of children in ECCE setting.
Characteristic of positive environment in ECCE setting
The factors that contribute to the overall well-being of the children in ECCE setting
Components of a balanced diet for children
Menu sample.
Indoor and Outdoor Safety.
Signs and symptoms of unwell child.
Crèche Safety Check list Sample
Example Risk Assessment for a Crèche
“The effective functioning of child rearing processes in the family and other child settings requires public policies and practices that provide place, time, stability, status, recognition, belief systems, customs and actions in support of child rearing activities not only on the part of parents, caregivers, teachers and other professional personnel, but also relatives, friends, neighbours, co-workers, communities and the major economic, social and political institutions of the entire society.” (Bronfenbrenner, 1997:38)
Aim and Introduction.
I am going to research the legal requirements related to the ECCE setting, for example: child-staff ratios, health and safety policies etc.
I am going to outline the factors that contribute to the overall well-being of the children.
I am going to review the components of balanced diet for children in ECCE setting and to create the daily menu for the 2 years old , vegetarian child in full day care setting.
I am going to investigate the indoor and outdoor safety in ECCE setting.
I am going to familiarise myself with signs and symptoms of an unwell child.
Early Childhood Care and Education services are regulated by legally binding requirements. These are the Pre-school Regulations, which first appeared in 1996 and have been up-dated in 2007. The main purpose of these regulations is to
Bibliography: Donohoe, J, Gaynor F, (2011), Education and Care in the Early Years, Dublin, Gill&Macmillan Hayes, N, (2010), Early Childhood, An Introductory Text, Dublin, Gill&Macmillan Hobart C, Frankel J, 2006, Good Practice in Childminding, Cheltenham, Nelson Thornes Legislations: Department of Health, (1997), Child Care (Pre – School Services) Regulations 1996 and Explanatory Guide to Requirements and Procedures for Notification and Inspection, Dublin, Stationery Office Department of Health, (1991) The Childcare Act Department of Health and Children, (1999), Children First: National Guidelines for the Protection of Children, Dublin, Stationery Office Department of Health Department of Health and Children, (2002) Our Duty to Care – The Principles of Good Practice for the Protection of Children and Young People, Dublin, Stationary Office. Department of Health, (1989) The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, Dublin, Stationery Office Equality Authority, (2004), Equality Information Pack, Dublin, Stationery Office United Nations, (1989) UN Convention on the Rights of the Child , Geneva, United Nations committee on the Rights of the Child Internet: Community Dietitians in the SHB and the SWAHB (2005) Food for young children [online],[30th November 2012] Life Pharmacy(2012)Health Library:Child Health[online] [25th November 2012]