The MTF Commander or designee at each MTF establishes specific guidance on informed consent, consistent with any relevant state law and reasonable standards of medical practice. Although local policy need not list all procedures or itemize what disclosures must be made in specific types of cases, it must provide a method for providers in the MTF to obtain answers to specific informed consent questions such as extent of disclosures or whether to use written consent forms (AFI 44-119, 2001).
Providers shall consult the Staff Judge Advocate (SJA) and the regional Medical Legal Consultant (MLC) to determine any peculiar standards concerning informed consent.
Providers shall obtain information concerning consent and disclosure practices from local medical institutions, state and national professional organizations, and from the MLC
Cited: Jumaralli, and Zulaika. "Pharmacists VS. the Pill." Essence 36 (2005): 132. EBSCOhost. EBSCOhost. University of Phoenix, Tucson. 4 Aug. 2007. Keyword: birth control. Morahan, Lawrence "National Womens Law Center Expanding the Possibilities." National Womens Law Center. 2006. 4 Aug. 2007 <>. "Patients ' Religious and Spiritual Lives." 4 Aug "Religious Beliefs and Practices AffectingHealth Care." University of Virginia Health System. 2007